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Thursday, 28 July 2016

Fresh graduate experience

I am a Malaysian, graduated with a Chemistry background from University Tunku Abdul Rahman. Many who goes down the same path would eventually choose either to join the workforce or continue to further their education. I chose the former. I went to work in a company I used to intern before graduating.
I, like many other graduates out there, did not work in the field that I studied. Instead, I got involved in the corporate side of the science field. While I was working, I learnt a lot on time management, people management even how to handle myself during pressured moments. Nobody becomes an expert within a day but it pays if you were to focus on the task in hand and ask as many questions as possible within the first week of working. Believe it or not, you are hired not to ask questions but to solve problems. I was able to get the hang of the job within my 1st week of working. Granted, I used to intern there, so I knew where to get my information and how to access them.
Another thing I've learnt working in a multinational company is that observational skills can take you places. Observe your surrounding and look out for spaces you can use your talents in. Employers appreciate initiatives taken by fresh graduates as we sometimes see things from a different perspective. Beware of the saying " New broom sweeps well". So don't let that happen to you. Once you've started something, you better stick with it until the end.
While working, you would gain plenty soft skills that no amount of lecture classes can teach you. Make use of that opportunity and see how it can help you in your career advancement. I was able to make really good connections while working and as a result, it has shaped my future goals to what they are now.
Work, unlike school, isn't straightforward. You have to learn how to read between the lines and maintain neutral thoughts at all times, especially for fresh grads. Don't go Rambo at your first month, then flail the next. Take it slow and steady. Rome wasn't built in a day and you can't be a know-it-all in the first month. Listen to your peers, reduce office gossips and for god's sake, stay away from office politics. It does no good to anybody.
Stress happens to the most of us. One day, I found myself experiencing horrible migraines due to work stress. I was able to release all that by focusing on recreational activities. Its alright to have fun sometimes. The world isn't going to end if you make a mistake or two, just don't repeat those and you will do fine. These were the golden words my manager said to me when I was stressed at work.
I hope this small bit of information would help graduates to settle into their working lives.

Here is an image of the sea that I visited last month for relaxing purpose :) 

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